Tue, Jun 04
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SCHOLARSHIP INFO SESSION - Start2Finish Workshop & Leadership Course
Learn about our scholarship program for our upcoming workshop: Start2Finish DIY Psychedelic Integration Circle. In this group interview style session, we will work to get to know you and see if you are a fit for our Work Trade-Scholarship Program.
Join Us On:
Jun 04, 2024, 7:45 PM – 8:30 PM CDT
via Zoom
About the Event
Learn about our scholarship program for our upcoming workshop: Start2Finish DIY Psychedelic Integration Circle. In this group interview style session, we will work to get to know you and see if you are a fit for our Work Trade Scholarship Program.
We ask that you attend at least one Info Session since we will not be covering the details of the program at length. To see more about the program and see a list of info sessions, please visit our official Start2Finish DIY Psychedelic Integration Circle Workshop & Leadership Course webpage.
Learn, Practice, Grow
Basic & Advanced Community Space Holding
- Create psychedelic community
- Learn to navigate common difficult situations that arise in support group
Weekly Mentoring & Interactive Classes
- Practice new skills in class
- Get access to live instructors weekly
- Be ready to schedule your own integration circle
Leadership Toolkit & Co-leading Opportunities
- Get the worksheets we actually use
- Co-lead a live support group with our mentors
- Become a psychedelic leader
**Scholarships are limited**
Work Trade Scholarship Criteria:
- Member of a Psychedelic Society/Club or an interest in starting one
- Commitment to attend all 8 workshop sessions (weekly Tuesdays 7pm CST - starting) + attend two integration circles (at least one Altered States Integration- free of charge)
- Commitment to completing assignments, posting to the group including turning them in at the end of the course for certificate of completion.
- Statement of Intent: short blurb telling us your story
- Growth Mindset and desire to promote psychedelic equity
- Recommendation from Club/Society leadership is a plus!
Work Trade Scholarships Equity
In order to create equity for Altered States Integrations mentorship and the societies that sponsor them, work trade scholarship recipients are asked to:
- Share ASI events weekly on social media (or invite guest) for 2-3 months
- Volunteer ~4 hours a month at local club or society for 6 months following the course
- Complete a post-workshop survey
- Completing assignments, to the group including turning them in at the end of the course for certificate of completion.
Not interested in a scholarship register for the workshop directly here on the events page.
Free Info session
This free info session is to answer questions about our upcoming workshop Start2Finish DIY Psychedelic Integration Circle https://www.alteredstatesintegration.com/event-info/start2finish-diy-psychedelic-integration-circle
$0.00Sale ended